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Profile for Bjornsdottirs. Username @bjornsdottirs, Role: admin


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including Ellenor, Reinhilde, Amelia, Melanie, Andrea, Sarah, and Lightning

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23, tired, extremely white, anti-vegan, transfem system, bi lesbian, proprietor Umbrellix. Only speaks English. Account NOT a safe space for COVID minimizers and pro-infectionists.

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DNF if twelve-step. I have my reasons. Also if you're team KYLR.

Until The Last.

Joined on Jul, 2023. 287 posts. Followed by 14. Following 16.

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Bjornsdottirs . @bjornsdottirs,
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(09/26) 03:13.21 < HaikuBridge> <Jakob (Telegram)> 2 second install lol
(09/26) 03:14.24 < HaikuBridge> <Jakob (Telegram)> boot loading screen is very cool
(09/26) 04:08.00 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> Jakob (Telegram): Haiku has a stable ABI so closed source software is possible. Updates via package manager will require a custom repo to host the closed-source products are recommended though.
(09/26) 04:08.40 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> * as
(09/26) 08:06.01 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> Problem is that letting closed software to run in an open OS, sets precedent to let companies to end close-sourcing almost the entire OS.
(09/26) 08:06.03 < HaikuBridge> This is what's happening on Linuxes right now. Kernel, GNU utilities and important services are being re-designed by the Redhat and Microsoft marriage.
(09/26) 08:06.05 < HaikuBridge> "Fanatism" is not always so bad.
(09/26) 08:06.05 < HaikuBridge> Take this as an advice.
(09/26) 08:09.08 < HaikuBridge> <Lt_Henry (Telegram)> does anybody know what is the AMD equivalent of PCH?
(09/26) 08:09.27 < HaikuBridge> <Lt_Henry (Telegram)> We seem to have only i2c support on PCH platforms
(09/26) 08:35.02 < HaikuBridge> <Liet Blue (Telegram)> Lt_Henry (Telegram): AMD seems to use the word "SoC" after Zen was released back in 2017
(09/26) 08:35.03 < HaikuBridge> and PCH on am4+am5 is a PCIe bridge/usbhub/some low speed peripherals
(09/26) 08:36.30 < HaikuBridge> <Liet Blue (Telegram)> * switch/usbhub/some
(09/26) 08:38.28 < HaikuBridge> <Liet Blue (Telegram)> * Chipset
(09/26) 08:40.56 < HaikuBridge> <Liet Blue (Telegram)> +for CPU
(09/26) 08:46.59 < HaikuBridge> <Liet Blue (Telegram)> * PCH(AMD called Chipset)
(09/26) 09:33.11 < HaikuBridge> <Lt_Henry (Telegram)> So...any clue on how to add i2c support on Ryzen processors?
(09/26) 09:33.33 < HaikuBridge> <Lt_Henry (Telegram)> The bus seems to be properly defined at acpi
(09/26) 10:08.52 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> Petrus (Telegram): MIT license doesn't require even forks of the OS to still be open-source.
(09/26) 10:12.40 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> Samuel Crow (Telegram): That's not the point.
(09/26) 10:12.40 < HaikuBridge> If the OS needs all kind of closed-source software to be usable (kernel drivers, utilities, core components...) then in practice is not open source anymore.
(09/26) 10:13.44 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> I pointed out what's happening on Linuxes for a reason
(09/26) 10:13.56 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> Like the Google apps in Android?
(09/26) 10:15.12 < Molniya> Linux is evil and going to kill us all.
(09/26) 10:15.33 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> Samuel Crow (Telegram): Partly, because is possible to have an AOSP without google Apps. But very few phones allow to be re-flashed with cleaner roms.
(09/26) 10:15.35 < HaikuBridge> Think about propietary Nvidia drivers.
(09/26) 10:15.57 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> @Molniya: then don't commit the same errors, I'm telling you
(09/26) 10:16.40 < Molniya> We are left without choice owing to the complexity of hardware and the tasks needed to be accomplished.
(09/26) 10:17.28 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> Patents and copyrights don't always help either.
(09/26) 10:19.00 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> WebAssembly allows web apps to also be closed-source.
(09/26) 10:19.15 < HaikuBridge> <Petrus (Telegram)> Linux has been taken down and compromised. That's what greedy companies do with possible "market players". It will happen the same to Haiku if it's developed enough to be usable
(09/26) 10:19.25 < Molniya> Yes. Also the DMCA makes it more difficult to legally wheedle your way into hardware
(09/26) 10:19.34 < Molniya> if you're in the US or easily extraditable thereto
(09/26) 10:19.40 < Molniya> Petrus, I would like an analysis on that
(09/26) 10:20.42 < Molniya> Evil and going to kill us all ≠ Compromised and taken down
(09/26) 10:21.28 < HaikuBridge> <Samuel Crow (Telegram)> GPL doesn't disallow sale of code. Greed is still as allowed today as much as when GPL was written.

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