James, dum John havintis «had»'n, havintis «had had»'n. «Had had» trafis la instruiston pli bone.
including Ellenor, Reinhilde, Amelia, Melanie, Andrea, Sarah, and Lightning
Administrative account for this instance.
23, tired, extremely white, anti-vegan, transfem system, bi lesbian, proprietor Umbrellix. Only speaks English. Account NOT a safe space for COVID minimizers and pro-infectionists.
We will not usually reblog images without alt text.
DNF if twelve-step. I have my reasons. Also if you're team KYLR.
Until The Last.
James, dum John havintis «had»'n, havintis «had had»'n. «Had had» trafis la instruiston pli bone.
*speeds you up obscenely*
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The world of today, tomorrow
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I once had a friend, she's still on my discord friends list for some reason
she's swedish
her name is Dràke (the accent mark is not included in the orthography). I was trying to learn how to pronounce it, I was continuously mispronouncing it, she could never explain why
come to find out, it's probably pitch accent, because swedish is a tonal language of the pitch accent subtype, and the word Drâke, if I recall correctly, is in tone 2 (not tone 1), meaning that it has a second high tone in the unstressed syllable
It's as if all the GTK apps nowadays have like huge water retention bloating.
Maybe usenetters should start top posting.