adult human chicken
including Ellenor, Reinhilde, Amelia, Melanie, Andrea, Sarah, and Lightning
Administrative account for this instance.
23, tired, extremely white, anti-vegan, transfem system, bi lesbian, proprietor Umbrellix. Only speaks English. Account NOT a safe space for COVID minimizers and pro-infectionists.
We will not usually reblog images without alt text.
DNF if twelve-step. I have my reasons. Also if you're team KYLR.
Until The Last.
Recent posts
Context is sought on the matter of why «Trotskyist» has become a pejorative.
It's somewhat ironic that this post feels to me very much like an example of what it's claiming to be decrying.
Mi nun similas vekiĝintan homon en multaj ĉefaj manieroj!
fuck you *splits ur infnitives*
the spanish formal second person possessive pronoun is identical to the third person possessive pronoun
cursed fact of the day, said
Tool and die
too much brain eating zombie virus in the world
PEOPLE use WORDS to express IDEAS? No way!
PEOPLE use WORDS to express IDEAS? No way!