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Bjornsdottirs . @bjornsdottirs,

do i know someone who knows inamruzui or athamanatha and hasn't been blocked by them?

can you tell her to get vitamin B12 in her? strange hallucinations can be part of the syndrome of vitamin B12 deficiency and she recently reported on her mastodon her brain «distorting a truck generator into indistinguishable voices somewhat»

the same deficiency can also exacerbate insomnia, which I believe Inam is also suffering.

although those kinds of hallucinations can be read into completely random noise even by a healthy brain, that's just kinda how they work, they try to pattern match even with a very high noise floor

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Bjornsdottirs . @bjornsdottirs,

part of the Evdonia Paranormal Force's GoI-302 programme is observing the publicly-observable actions of GoI-302 leaders and members, and - to an extent - doing what little we can do ameliorate their sort, even though they have stated they want nothing to do with us and not without good reason.

(«Evdonia Paranormal Force» is just an anachronic name for when the Force was just a fictional entity about paranormal matters, and not a real (one-person) intelligence organization sharing the same name as the fictional paranormal organization)

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