Should i listen to a newscast in italian
including Ellenor, Reinhilde, Amelia, Melanie, Andrea, Sarah, and Lightning
Administrative account for this instance.
23, tired, extremely white, anti-vegan, transfem system, bi lesbian, proprietor Umbrellix. Only speaks English. Account NOT a safe space for COVID minimizers and pro-infectionists.
We will not usually reblog images without alt text.
DNF if twelve-step. I have my reasons. Also if you're team KYLR.
Until The Last.
Recent posts
PTSD caused by psychiatric treatment is probably one of the most unrecognized mental-neurological afflictions to exist.
It's seared into my soul, a brand indelible. I don't know his name, nor want to; I know his rank and when floruit. The rascal probably drove home with a smile on his face.
i bit my tongue like an idiot
ate a lot of kidney beans, now have a strange taste in my mouth like i just ate something weirdly drying
i sound like i'm dying
cursed thought about my^ romclonk, partly in an experimental version thereof (by way of illustrate)
^ a flotilla of asterisks is dispatched to your location and should arrive shortly.
«Bonu júlle, åt komo norros^ vichinos dichen, godt jul»
^ instead of nostros
meaning is supposed to be s-th like «merry christmas, or as our neighbours say, godt jul» - the -u agreement class is «neo-neuter» (this isn't supposed to be a diachronic lang). The å in this lang is... weird.
Non sapo, komo lo se diche.
Subjacent comes off as uncomfortably authoritarian - but this is important.
SARS2 can live in bone marrow.
fungal infections suck #healthnegative
fucked up a gerundive(?) in a pseudo-romance language (treated it as an adjective that had to agree with what it was describing - creating a form roughly *«estar [verb]anda»)
i will never recover /s
i wonder if there are any reasonably complete latin-latin dictionaries that were released after 1980 and deal with issues that come up in the modern world