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Profile for Bjornsdottirs. Username @bjornsdottirs, Role: admin


Site Web/Website

including Ellenor, Reinhilde, Amelia, Melanie, Andrea, Sarah, and Lightning

Administrative account for this instance.

23, tired, extremely white, anti-vegan, transfem system, bi lesbian, proprietor Umbrellix. Only speaks English. Account NOT a safe space for COVID minimizers and pro-infectionists.

We will not usually reblog images without alt text.

DNF if twelve-step. I have my reasons. Also if you're team KYLR.

Until The Last.

Joined on Jul, 2023. 1370 posts. Followed by 32. Following 31.

Recent posts

Bjornsdottirs . @bjornsdottirs,

man, this is weird

the Catalan translation of Mastodon uses the tu imperative for buttons. meanwhile the Esperanto and Castilian translations use infinitive. in English the matter is unclear because the bare infinitive and modern imperative forms are identical (bare root, «Make the pasta!»)

Open thread